Cloud-based customer service vs. on-site customer service

January 22, 2022

Introduction: The Great Debate

As technology advances, customer service teams are faced with a difficult question: should they adopt cloud-based solutions or stick with traditional on-site methods? While on-site customer service has been the norm for generations, cloud-based customer service is becoming increasingly popular. In this blog post, we will compare the two and provide you with a factual unbiased comparison to help you decide which option is the best for your business.


First and foremost, let’s talk about how well cloud-based customer service performs compared to on-site customer service. Cloud-based customer service, such as chatbots and automated solutions, can handle a vast number of queries and provide prompt responses. On the other hand, on-site customer service, such as a helpdesk or phone support, has limited capacity and can have long wait times.

According to a report by Comm100, a live chat service provider, live chat solutions can handle up to 50% more chats than traditional phone support, with an average wait time of just 23 seconds compared to 2.5 minutes on the phone. This means that cloud-based customer service is quicker and more efficient than on-site customer service.


Another factor to consider is cost. On-site customer service requires a dedicated team and infrastructure, which can be a significant expense. In contrast, cloud-based customer service can be more cost-effective, allowing businesses to save costs on infrastructure and employee salaries.

According to Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management software provider, cloud-based customer service reduces overall service costs by 33% per customer per year. This means that adopting cloud-based solutions can lead to significant cost savings for your business.


Finally, let's talk about efficiency. Cloud-based customer service can provide businesses with data analytics and insights, allowing them to improve and optimize their services. In contrast, on-site customer service may not provide real-time data and insights on customer satisfaction and experience.

According to a study by Aberdeen Group, a technology and services company, businesses that adopt cloud-based customer service have a 91% higher first-contact resolution rate. This means that cloud-based solutions are more efficient in solving customer queries successfully on the first attempt.


While on-site customer service has been the norm for years, cloud-based solutions are becoming increasingly popular due to their performance, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. Cloud-based customer service allows businesses to handle a vast number of queries, reduce costs, and improve their services. However, it's crucial to note that there may be some situations where on-site customer service is a better option, depending on the type of business, industry, and customer base.

In conclusion, it ultimately depends on the needs of your business and customers. However, it's important to consider adopting cloud-based customer service solutions to stay competitive and provide your customers with the best experience possible.


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